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Safeguarding is the policies and procedures that organizations and people have in place to keep children safe and promote their wellbeing, everything from security of buildings to staff recruitment. Child protection is the term used to describe the activity that is undertaken to protect specific children who are suffering or likely to suffer harm.

A policy put in place to ensure vulnerable people are not abused in any way. It makes it clear what an organization or group will do to keep children and adults safe. It should include a statement setting out the organization’s commitment to protecting all children and adults in its care.

There are many ways of dividing abuse into types, but these are some: Financial or material abuse, Physical abuse, Neglect/acts of omission, Sexual abuse, Psychological abuse, Organisational abuse, Discriminatory abuse, Self-neglect, Domestic abuse.

4. What are the six principles of child safeguarding?

Empowerment – supporting and encouraging people to make their own decisions and informed consent, Prevention – taking action before harm occurs, Proportionality – offering the least intrusive response appropriate to the risk. Protection – support and representation for those in greatest need, Partnership – communities have a part to play in reporting and preventing neglect and abuse; local solutions through services working with their communities, Accountability – transparency and accountability in safeguarding practice.

6. What is early intervention?

Doing things as early as possible to support a child’s developmental, health and support needs. Early intervention services give specialized support to children and their families in the early years (birth to school entry)
Early intervention promotes welfare, safety, development, and societal stability. It also plays a part in preventing problems developing later and goes a long way in attempting to rectify those which have already begun to manifest.

8. What are the organizational requirements in relation to safeguarding

All organizations have a responsibility and a duty of care for the protection and well being of the young people with whom they work. There are a number of measures that youth organizations must put in place to safeguard children from harm.

These include the following:

A child safeguarding policy and code of conduct, a named child safeguarding focal person, a safe recruitment and selection process for employees and volunteers which includes Garda vetting, procedures for dealing with allegations, supervision, support, and training in child protection and safeguarding for all staff, volunteers and management.

5. What are the child safeguarding procedures?

Procedures and systems provide clear guidance on what to do in various circumstances; they clarify roles and responsibilities. Child protection procedures should be linked with the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board’s own procedures (or the All Wales Child Protection Procedures).

7. What is the meaning of duty of care?

A moral or legal obligation to ensure the safety and well-being of others. It is about individual well-being, welfare, compliance, and good practice. All workplaces have a moral and legal obligation to ensure that everyone associated with the establishment is fully protected from any personal physical and/or emotional harm, either on the premises or when engaged in activities relating to the establishment.

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9. Why is it important to safeguard a child?

Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.

Safeguarding means:

  • protecting children from abuse and maltreatment
  • preventing harm to children’s health or development
  • ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care
  • taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes.

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